
22 Ιουλίου 2024

Ορκίστηκαν φοιτητές του ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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02 July 2024

Our WSN Solution for the Synergies Project

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26 Απριλίου 2024

Συμμετοχή στην εκδήλωση «Ζήσε μια μέρα σα φοιτητής/τρια» (in Greek)

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26 Απριλίου 2024

Παρουσιάσεις μεταπτυχιακών και πτυχιακών εργασιών (in Greek)

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15 April 2024

Participation at PACET 2024

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11 April 2024

Participation in the 3rd GA Meeting of the Synergies Horizon innovation action

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08 April 2024

Participation at EuCAP 2024

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19 February 2024

Παρουσιάσεις φοιτητών και φοιτητριών στο προπτυχιακό μάθημα "Μετρήσεις σε Τηλεπικοινωνιακά συστήματα" (in Greek)

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05 November 2023

New entry in the E Scholarly Community Encyclopedia: "Versatile OpenHAB IoT Testbed"

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18 October 2023

Participation in the SYNERGIES General Assembly #2 in Copenhagen

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31 August 2023

New publication: Design and Implementation of a Versatile OpenHAB IoT Testbed with a Variety of Wireless Interfaces and Sensors

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13 Ιουλίου 2023

Συμμετοχή στο MOCAST 2023 στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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02 Ιουνίου 2023

Εκπαίδευση της ομάδας του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ στο χειρισμό drones

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26 Μαΐου 2023

Νέα δημοσίευση στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ: Non-standalone (NSA) 5G system measurements

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17 May 2023

Participation in the SYNERGIES GA meeting in Athens

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16 May 2023

New publication: Evolutionary Ensemble Learning Pathloss Prediction for 4G and 5G Flying Base Stations with UAVs

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07 April 2023

Πρώτες πιλοτικές πτήσεις των δύο νέων εξακόπτερων drones του εργαστηρίου

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28 February 2023

Παρουσίαση έργων του WMCLab στο πλαίσιο της εκδήλωσης 'Συμπράξεις Καινοτομίας'

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28 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

"Προσγειώθηκαν" δύο drones στο εργαστήριο Ασυρμάτων και Κινητών Επικοινωνιών

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30 December 2022

Our WMCLab openHab IoT Testbed is on!

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19 December 2022

MERLON project successfully completed

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13 December 2022

Πρώτες πιλοτικές μετρήσεις ΗΜ ακτινοβολίας 5G στην Τρίπολη στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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08 December 2022

Πρώτες πιλοτικές μετρήσεις συστήματος 5G στην Τρίπολη στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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15 November 2022

Πρώτα milestones από το ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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08 November 2022

Εκπαίδευση στον μετρητικό εξοπλισμό NARDA στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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29 September 2022

Undergraduate and postgraduate theses presentation (in greek)

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22 September 2022

WMCLab participates in the kick-off of the Synergies Horizon innovation action

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10 August 2022

Ανάθεση έργου σε τέσσερα (4) άτομα με ανταποδοτική υποτροφία στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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20 July 2022

Εκπαίδευση στο μετρητικό εξοπλισμό Echo στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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20 July 2022

Παραλαβή μετρητικού εξοπλισμού στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

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08 June 2022

Παρουσίαση πτυχιακής εργασίας του προπτυχιακού φοιτητή Διονύση Μπακάλη

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01 June 2022

Ομιλία αναπληρωτή καθηγητή Αλέξανδρου Καλόξυλου: Μύθοι και πραγματικότητα για τα κυψελωτά δίκτυα 5Gης γενιάς

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13 April 2022

Συμμετοχή του εργαστηρίου στην εκδήλωση "Ζήσε μια μέρα σαν φοιτητής"

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25 March 2022

MDPI Telecom journal features WMCLab article in the cover

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03 March 2022

Three WMCLab Professors ranked among the top 2% of scientists in the world for 2021!

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19 January 2022

Contribution to the “Intermediate COREnect roadmap” deliverable

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12 January 2022

5G: νέα γενιά, παλιές ανησυχίες;

Νεα δημοσίευση του εργαστηρίου από τους Γ. Αθανασιάδου, Ι. Ραυτόπουλο και Γ. Τσούλο με τίτλο ‘5G: νέα γενιά, παλιές ανησυχίες;’.
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11 December 2021

New publication on EV technology

Our work entitled "Minimizing the Cost of PHEV Usage with Price Sensitive Charging Strategies" has been published in the MDPI Electricity journal.
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30 November 2021

Netscope Solutions presented state-of-the-art measurement equipment

Very pleased to have Netscope Solutions SA visit our lab. We thank Dimitris Katsikas and Elias Mylonas for the thorough presentation of their state-of-the-art measurement equipment.
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24 November 2021

Παρουσίαση πτυχιακής εργασίας του προπτυχιακού φοιτητή Ιάσονα Γεράσιμου Ραυτόπουλου

Σήμερα ο κ. Ιάσονας Ραυτόπουλος παρουσίασε διαδικτυακά την πτυχιακή του εργασία με τίτλο «Προβληματισμοί και αντιδράσεις γύρω από την ακτινοβολία των συστημάτων 5G» με επιβλέπουσα την αν. καθ. κα Αθανασιάδου Γεωργία.
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06 November 2021

Video representation of DIT

Recently the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of UOP released a video introducing its activities, facilities and university life to its students. WMCLab members participated in the shooting and we are really excited with the result.
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25 October 2021

Ανταποδοτική υποτροφία για φοιτητές στο πλαίσιο του ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος για δύο (2) ερευνητές φοιτητές που φοιτούν σε προπτυχιακά ή μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα σπουδών με ανταποδοτική υποτροφία, στην πόλη της Τρίπολης, στις εγκαταστάσεις του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου.
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18 August 2021

Θέση με σύμβαση έργου στου πλαίσιο του ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος για έναν (1) ερευνητή Μεταδιδάκτορα στην πόλη της Τρίπολης, στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ που υλοποιείται από το WMCLAB.
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30 July 2021

Ανταποδοτική υποτροφία στο πλαίσιο του ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος για έναν (1) ερευνητή Υποψήφιο Διδάκτορα στην πόλη της Τρίπολης, με ανταποδοτική υποτροφία στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ που υλοποιείται από το WMCLAB.
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28 July 2021

Ανταποδοτικές υποτροφίες στο πλαίσιο του ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ

Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος για τρεις (3) ερευνητές προπτυχιακούς ή μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές στην πόλη της Τρίπολης, με ανταποδοτική υποτροφία στο πλαίσιο του έργου ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ που υλοποιείται από το WMCLAB.
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23 July 2021

MSc Thesis Examination: Sotirios Deligiannis

Sotiris presented yesterday his MSc thesis “Propagation analysis and radiocoverage at the mmWave and THz band” (in greek) under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Georgia Athanasiadou.
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23 July 2021

Παρουσίαση πτυχιακής εργασίας του προπτυχιακού φοιτητή Ηλία Τσούνη

Σήμερα ο κ. Ηλίας Τσούνης παρουσίασε διαδικτυακά την πτυχιακή του εργασία με τίτλο «5G Ασύρματα Δίκτυα: αρχική ανάπτυξη και οικονομικό πλαίσιο» με επιβλέπουσα την αν. καθ. κα Αθανασιάδου Γεωργία.
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20 July 2021

New Project: EME exposure from wireless communication networks with emphasis on 5G

The popularity of mobile communications and the advent of 5G wireless systems has spurred a new wave of discussions and worries about the health effects of electromagnetic energy (ΕΜE) exposure.
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07 July 2021

Participation at MOCAST 2021

Dr. Dimitris Kontaxis presented our work entitled “Wireless Sensor Network Topology Design for Building Information Modelling” at MOCAST 2021 during the Sensors and System Session.
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27 May 2021

Webinar on Machine Learning for Wireless Communications

IEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) Bangalore Chapter in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Mysore Subsection is organizing Webinar on “Machine Learning for Wireless Communications’’ 8th June 2021 @7.00 PM (IST).
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06 April 2021

Satellite Communications in the 5G Era and Beyond

Tο Vehicular Technology/Aerospace and Electronic Systems Joint Chapter του IEEE Greece Section διοργανώνει Online Panel με θέμα: “Satellite Communications in the 5G Era and Beyond“.
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18 March 2021

Four DIT Professors ranked among the top 2% of scientists in the world!

A recent study published in the journal PLOS Biology analyzed data of 7 million scientists’ research contribution and influence and produced a list of the top 100.000 scientists from all scientific subjects, as well as those ranked in the top 2% in their main subfield discipline.
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15 January 2021

Congratulations to our lab members for graduating

We would like to congratulate our lab members Sotirions Deligiannis and Elisavet Koutsi for graduating 1st and 2nd in the 2019-2020 class. You have accomplished something exceptional and we are proud for you.

03 December 2020

IET Communications Editorial Board

Prof. George Tsoulos was appointed as Subject Editor at the IET Communications Editorial Board.

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10 November 2020

Online Panel on “6G Wireless Communications: The Next Generation!”

The Vehicular Technology and Aerospace and Electronic Systems Joint Chapter of the IEEE Greece Section would like to invite you to the online Panel on “6G Wireless Communications: The Next Generation!”.

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01 October 2020

Kick off meeting of Horizon 2020 CSA COREnect

George Tsoulos participated in the kick off meeting of the Horizon 2020 CSA COREnect Expert Group.
He has joined COREnect as an external expert member of Expert Group #2 Communications/Sensing Core Technologies for Future network.
COREnect involves participations from 12 prominent European industry, R&D and community leaders from both the microelectronics and telecommunications sectors and its major goal is to contribute to the definition of the related R&I topics and funding allocationsin the proposed Key Digital Technology (KDT) Partnership and the proposed Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Partnership (the successor of 5G PPP) in Horizon Europe, i.e., the next European research and innovation framework programme from 2021 to 2027.

28 September 2020

Horizon 2020 Merlon interim review

In the context of T6.2 that is led by UoP, the EV flexibility profiling module was demonstrated during the Merlon interim review.

25 September 2020

2nd Stakeholders Workshop of the 5G Observatory

G. Tsoulos has participated in the 2nd Stakeholders Workshop of the 5G Observatory.

22 July 2020

Thesis Examination: Elisavet Koutsi and Sotirios Deligiannis

Elisavet Koutsi and Sotirios Deligiannis presented their BSc thesis “Analysis and simulation of Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) systems” (in greek).

20 July 2020

MDPI Journal Sensors, Topic Editor

G. Tsoulos has joined the MDPI journal Sensors as a Topic Editor.

08 July 2020

Horizon 2020 BIMERR interim review

In the context of BIMERR WP3 that is led by UoP, it has presented results from tasks T3.1, T3.2, T3.3 and T3.4, during the BIMERR interim review.

11 June 2020

Thesis Examination: Spyros Orfanos

Spyros Orfanos presented his BSc thesis “Educational toolkit in the context of Cellular Systems” (in greek).

03 June 2020

2nd release of BIMERR newsletter

BIMERR 2nd newsletter was released! The pre-validation phase of the project will take place in actual buildings here in Greece.

21 February 2020

Pantera Workshop: “Green Islands as a driver for the Energy Transition – Going Renewable and Smart”

Μεγάλη χαρά και ικανοποίηση να συναντιόμαστε με αποφοίτους του εργαστηρίου μας. Στο Workshop Green Islands as a driver for the Energy Transition – Going Renewable and Smart που διοργάνωσε το ευρωπαϊκό έργο PANTERA στην Αθήνα βρεθήκαμε με τον Αλέξανδρο Τσιτσάνη
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26 January 2020

UPEL participated in MERLON plenary meeting in Cyprus

UPEL presented at the MERLON plenary meeting in Limassol, Cyprus, the first version of the V2G and G2V EV charge profiling simulation along with initial results.

12 December 2019

Students of WMCL participating in MERLON activities

Starting this fall, students from the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese are engaged in the MERLON project.
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23 September 2019

PhD and PostDoc positions in Energy Systems and Optimization

WMCLab is seeking for highly motivated and ambitious PhD and PostDoc candidates with a degree on electrical engineering or information and computer technology (ICT).

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07 July 2019

EuCAP 2020 – Call for Papers

EuCAP is the largest and most significant antennas and propagation conference in Europe, attracting more than 1400 participants from academia and industry, and more than 50 industrial exhibitors from all over the world. Next year’s EuCAP conference will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020.
Call for papers

09 June 2019

G. Tsoulos convened sessions chair at EuCAP 2020

Prof. George Tsoulos joins the EuCAP 2020 conference organising committee as a Convened Sessions Chair along with Enrica Martini of the University of Siena and Lars Jonsson of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

29 May 2019

Students of WMCLab at MOCAST 2019

Our students Elisavet Koutsi, Sotiris Deligiannis (3rd year undergraduates) and Giannis Sarantopoulos (1st year postgraduate of the MSc Modern Wireless Communications) presented their first paper at the 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST) on Electronics and Communications in Thessaloniki, Greece.

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13 February 2019

WMCLab participates in the H2020 MERLON Innovation Action

WMCLab participates in the H2020 MERLON Innovation Action that started on January 2019, it has duration 36 months and involves 13 partners.

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13 February 2019

WMCLab participates in the H2020 BIMERR Research and Innovation Action

WMCLab participates in the H2020 BIMERR Research and Innovation Action, with 16 partners and duration 45 months.

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05 December 2018

WMCLab participates in the TERAFLAG FET Flagship!

The consortium includes more than 170 organizations; 110 universities, 41 SMEs and 20 big companies from 30 European countries. The UoP is one of the two Greek universities that supported the Teraflag Flagship initiative.
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27 September 2018

Thesis Examination: Sabina Banoushi

Sabina Banoushi presented her MSc thesis “Channel characteristics for UAV-to-ground communication”.
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29 June 2018

Thesis Examination: Pavlos Matsangos

Pavlos Matsangos presented his BSc thesis "Backhaul and UAVs management within the 5G ecosystem".
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01 June 2018

Periklis Garantziotis: First in his class

Periklis Garantziotis successfully completed this year his MSc program on Advanced Telecommunication Systems and Networks, and managed to finish first in his class.
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01 June 2018

Prof. Georgios Giannakis receives honorary degree

The Depart. of Informatics and Telecommunications (DIT) of the University of Peloponnese awards honorary degree to the engineer and inventor Prof. Georgios Giannakis for his notable contribution to statistical signal processing and wireless communications.
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25 April 2018

Demo for Students

High school students visited our department last week and Michael introduced them to the Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab. He presented our educational and research activities related to communications with UAVs.
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20 April 2018

G. Tsoulos presents papers at EuCAP 2018 in London

The 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation was held on 9-13 April in London, UK. EuCAP is one of flagship conferences on antennas and propagation, attracting all researchers across the world.
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19 March 2018

Thesis Examination: Tsitsanis Alexandros

Alexandros Tsitsanis presented his BSc thesis “Assessment of ICT-based technologies enabling the introduction and deployment of novel “energy-as-a-Service” (EaaS) Demand Side Management models for Energy Utilities” under the supervision of Prof. Tsoulos.
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27 February 2018

Prof. G. Tsoulos has joined the Editorial Board of IET Communications

Prof. G. Tsoulos has joined the Editorial Board of IET Communications.

05 January 2018

EurAAP Delegate Assembly

Professor G. Tsoulos was re-elected EurAAP Regional Delegate (for Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Turkey), effective from 1/1/2018.

05 January 2018

New PhD Student

The Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab welcomes its new member George Xilouris.

04 December 2017

Chapter in “New Direction in Wireless Communications Systems: From Mobile to 5G”

"New Directions in Wireless Communications Systems: From Mobile to 5G" is now published, our work entitled "RF Planning for Next-Generation Systems" can be found as chapter 6 therein.

05 November 2017

New Publication (in greek)

WMCLab members published an overview article for the current developments and applications in the field of UAVs.
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17 October 2017

New Undergrad Thesis on Measurements

Thanasis Panagopoulos has started his Undergrad Thesis project on the instrumentation of wireless systems measurement.

15 October 2017

New Lab Member

Ioannis Sarantopoulos joined the lab team.

September 27 2017

A visit to LUCAS

Last week, Michael visited the Loughborough University Centre for Autonomous Systems (LUCAS). He made a short presentation (pdf) of our group activities on UAV Telecommunication systems, and he was given a really interesting tour at the LUCAS Labs.
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September 21 2017

New Undergrad Thesis on Antenna Theory and Propagation

Thanos Karayiannis has started his Undergrad Thesis project on Antenna Theory and Propagation.

September 17 2017

New Undergrad Thesis on 5G Systems

Pavlos Matsaggos has started his Undergrad Thesis project on 5G systems.

September 11 2017

New Master Thesis on THz Systems

Periklis Garantziotis has started his Master Thesis project on THz systems.

7 July 2017

Thesis Examination: Ilias Gkovousis

Ilias Gkovousis presented his MSc thesis “Low-EMF wireless systems” (in greek: Ασύρματα συστήματα χαμηλής HM εκπομπής). His thesis was supervised by Prof. Tsoulos.

27 March 2017

The thesis project “A UAV assisted sensor subsystem” is completed

The thesis project of Mr. Valasis Nikolaos-Michael "A UAV assisted sensor subsystem" was successfully completed. Dimitra and Nikolaos-Michael wrote an extended english abstract for this work.
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23 March 2017

Thesis Examination: George Papaggelopoulos

George Papaggelopoulos presented his BSc thesis “60GHz for Wireless Communications” (in greek: Η συχνότητα 60GHz για ασύρματες τηλεπικοινωνίες 5ης γενιάς). His thesis was supervised by Prof. Athanasiadou and Prof. Tsoulos.

14 March 2017

Collaboration results with Huawei

The research collaboration of WMCL and Huawei has recently resulted in two major publications, a journal and a conference paper.
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28 February 2017

WMCLab undergrad students will present their work in MOCAST 2017

Students George Solidakis and Fanourios Tsokas will present their work "An Arduino-Based Subsystem for Controlling UAVs Through GSM" in this year MOCAST conference from 4 to 6 of May 2017.
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15 February 2017

Thesis Examination: Konstantina Korfioti

Konstantina Korfioti presented his BSc thesis “Nanosatellite systems” (in greek: Επισκόπηση Νανοδορυφορικών Συστημάτων).
Her thesis was supervised by Prof. George Tsoulos and Prof. Konstantinos Katzis of the European University Cyprus.

14 November 2016

Participation in the “The UAE Drones for Good” 2017 competition

The Wireless and Mobile Communications Laboratory (WMCL) of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications has entered the international competition Drones for Good with the proposal entitled ‘Remote Refugee Rescue & Drone Assisted Telemedicine (Drones4Sea)'.
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7 September 2018

New Editorial

George Tsoulos participates as editor in the special issue “Fulfilling the IOT Ecosystem through 5G networks: Challenges and Breakthroughs” of the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.

12 May 2016

New Site

The updated Wireless and Mobile Communication Lab website built with wordpress is now online!

24 September 2015

Participation in the 5G SUMMIT

G.Tsoulos has joined the technical committee of the 5G Research and Technology Conference – 5G SUMMIT.

13 July 2015

Collaboration with Huawei

The Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab has signed an NDA with Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH in order to work together towards the dynamic densification of 5G access networks using vehicles.

15 April 2015

Finalist Best Paper Award

Finalist Best Paper Award: The paper ‘The Effects of Antenna Array Size and Back Lobe Level on Self-Interference and Transmitted Powers for 4G Beamforming Multicell Systems with In-Band Full Duplex Relays’ by D. Zarbouti, G. Tsoulos, G. Athanasiadou, was selected among 1019 accepted papers as a finalist to EuCAP 2015 Antenna Design and Applications Best Paper Award. In addition to the oral presentation, it was presented in a special poster paper awards session.

23 January 2015

EurAAP Delegate Assembly

George Tsoulos was elected a EurAAP (European Association on Antennas and Propagation) regional delegate for Group 15 (Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Turkey), for the period 2015-2017.

14 October 2014

BSc Thesis Presentation

The BSc thesis “Power consumption in single-cell LTE systems with relays” conducted by Ilias Xirogiannis completed. Dimitra and Ilias wrote an extended abstract of this work (pdf).

29 November 2013

BSc Thesis Presentation

The BSc thesis “Wimax dimensioning and cost analysis for the city of Tripolis” conducted by Anastasios Chalvatsiotis completed.
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